3 Reasons to Use Facebook to Sell Your Pensacola Real Estate

Facebook_logo-6It amazes me the amount of agents out there selling Pensacola Real Estate that still believe the best way to market a property is through the newspaper, a billboard, or the real estate book. I am not taking away from that media as a possible supplement, but I just do not see the return for my advertising dollars to help my clients. Next time your at a red light in town look around and see what people are doing. DO you think they are looking at the shiny billboard? NO!!! We are lucky if they are even looking at the road to see the green light that just changed (I’m guilty here….think most of us are). They are looking at their phones and most likely either emails or some sort of social media. I could write an entire post about the different types of media out there, but let’s focus on Facebook for some very obvious reasons.

  • How-to-Find-your-target-marketTargeted, Targeted, Targeted. Facebook is a marketers dream when it comes to a targeted audience. I have an ad running that only targets homeowners (yes they have that data) in a certain area. Depending on what you want to accomplish you can literally target any sub group.
  • As I am writing this I just ran a Facebook ad for 3 zip codes close to a new rental of mine. The ad was simple with good photos and results undeniable. I had 7 inquiries about the place. Over 350 people clicked the link to look at the place. I also gained a half dozen new followers to my business page. MOST IMPORTANTLY one of those 7 inquiries put in an application and rented the place on the spot. This cost me $50 and started Friday with a lease signed on Sunday.
  • Quantifiable numbers for lookers. As a marketer (and that’s my main job as a Real Estate Broker representing my seller) I want to see the numbers. When I advertise on a billboard, or in the newspaper, or even the real estate book you can’t quantify how many people saw YOUR home. Oh the reps for those outlets can tell you how large their circulation is, or how many cars drive by a location every day, but what good does that do my seller who wants to know whats going on with THEIR property. Facebook tells me exactly how many people saw the ad and how many people visited the site to look at the property more closely. Now the conversations I have with my seller has more meat and potatoes data.
  • homeownersDemographics. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook, stated in an annual stockholder meeting that the demographics for Facebook are starting to age. He went on to say that based on other social media outlets there are more adults on Facebook than any other. I know that my teenagers seem to not get on Facebook all that much because (eww that’s what old people do). As a Real Estate Broker in Pensacola Fl, I’m not really looking to market to a 15 year old. I would rather market to the adults who can and will purchase properties from my clients. Don’t get me wrong I use other social media outlets as well (YouTube for instance), but why would I ignore the place my potential buyers are at?


In my book The Business of Selling Your Property I spoke about using Facebook for a variety of reasons from promoting a listing before it comes on the market, to promoting a big open house. The bottom line is in today’s real estate marketing efforts if you do not have a Facebook strategy, then you are missing a HUGE part of the potential buyers pool. Ask your agent about their Facebook strategy and if they do not have one…..get a new agent